RADx Data Hub


The RADx Data Hub Program is a collaborative, multi-institutional program whose mission is to develop a single access point to de-identified COVID-19 RADx, related data, algorithms, and other capabilities generated by various digital health solutions and technologies. Development of this data hub is driven by three primary objectives: 1) to provide curated and de-identified RADx COVID-19 data that allows researchers to find, aggregate and perform data analyses in a cloud-enabled platform; 2) allow researchers the ability to collaboratively analyze and share results, citing relevant data, with collaborators and the external community; and 3) create a framework for generating artificial intelligence (AI)-ready datasets in support of RADx COVID-19 AI machine learning algorithm research.

RENCI's Role

The RENCI team works with the RADx Collection and Data Coordination Centers and RADx Data Hub Partners to drive program management and researcher engagement and training. Stan Ahalt serves as RENCI’s PI, and Ashok Krishnamurthy, Stephanie Suber, and Asia Mieczkowska serve as co-PIs.



