Data Science & Analytics

Center for Cancer Data Harmonization (CCDH)


The Center for Cancer Data Harmonization aimed to make the volumes of data arising from cancer research more accessible, organized, and powerful. CCDH worked with the National Cancer Institute's cloud-based data-sharing portal called the Cancer Research Data Commons. In the Commons, the goal is for disparate types of data generated by everything from basic science studies to clinical trials to be integrated and structured in ways that help researchers make advances and clinicians provide the best treatments. The center's work was organized around five key areas: community development, data model harmonization, ontology and terminology ecosystem, tools and data quality, and program management. RENCI contributed expertise in incorporating ontologies into tools for data validation, harmonization, and quality control.

RENCI's Role

Jim Balhoff was the RENCI PI and Gaurav Vaidya led the CCDH Tools & Data Quality workstream.

Team Members