Networking Research & Infrastructure
CC*IIE Integration: RADII: Resource Aware DatacentrIc Collaboration Infrastructure
CC*IIE Integration: RADII: Resource Aware DatacentrIc Collaboration Infrastructure - RADII will enable the creation and runtime management of end-to-end infrastructure tailored to support data-centric collaborations using networked Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).
RENCI's Role
The RADII team consists of RENCI researchers with a track record in developing both ORCA, iRODS and various middleware components, like e.g. for the CC-NIE ADAMANT award (ACI-1245926), which focuses on workflow applications running on dynamically provisioned infrastructure. RENCI and Duke collaborators will drive the design and implementation of RADII into a system that truly lowers technological barriers, boost science productivity and promote new ways of collaboration.