Earth Data Science

A Multi-decadal Coastal Water Level Model Reanalysis for Coastal Inundation and Flood Risk Assessment (Reanalysis)


The Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is conducting a series of long-term simulations of coastal water levels in the US east and Gulf of Mexico coastal regions. The ADCIRC storm surge, tide, and wind-wave model is used to compute the storm surge and tide response to coastal water levels for the period 1979-2022, forced by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) 41-year meteorological reanalysis known as ERA5. The resulting 44-year coastal water level dataset can be used for a variety of applications, including extreme water level characterization and boundary conditions for smaller, regional model applications.

RENCI's Role

RENCI leads all aspects of this project.

Team Members