- Storm Surge and Wind Wave Simulations for Travelers Insurance
- Forecasting Coastal Impacts from Tropical Cyclones along the US East and Gulf Coasts using the ADCIRC Prediction System
- Many Core Processors and Workflow Study for WCOSS II
- Coastal Hazards and Risk Research: Applications of the ADCIRC Storm Surge and Wind-wave Model
- A Multi-decadal Coastal Water Level Model Reanalysis for Coastal Inundation and Flood Risk Assessment (Reanalysis)
- Coastal Probabilistic Hazard Analysis (FEMA-BOA)
- Adcirc Viz: A Visualization Application for Distributed ADCIRC-based Coastal Storm Surge, Inundation, and Wave Modeling
- Coastal Hazards, Equity, Economic prosperity and Resilience (CHEER) Hub
- Coastal Hazard and Risk Modeling - Evacuation Modeling
- Coupling the National Water Model to the Coastal Ocean for Predicting Water Hazards
- Coastal Hazard and Risk Modeling - AdcircLite-NC
- A Climate-Forward Coastal Water Level Model Analysis for Coastal Inundation and Flood Risk Planning (MAPP)