David Borland
Assistant Dir., Analytics & Data Science | Analytics & Data Science Group
- Preservice Educators Reimagining Core Experiences in Physics Teaching (PERCEPT)
- Cell Cycle Browser (CCB) and TRACE (TRacking and Analysis of CEll Cycle)
- Bias Tracking and Reduction Methods for High-Dimensional Exploratory Visual Analysis and Selection
- Further Development of AI Tool for Extraction of Roadside Hazards from Videolog Data and LIDAR
- Counterfactual-Based Supports for Visual Causal Inference
- A Scalable Platform for Exploring and Analyzing Whole Brain Tissue Cleared Images
- Shoring up the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem through Real-Time Data Analysis
- Immune Cellular Functions Inference (ImmCellFie)
- Precision Medicine and PDS
- Clinical Trial Management Dashboard (CTMD)